Zaher is a Danish non-for- profit NGO based in Copenhagen.
We support local actors in Lebanon in creating and promoting organic learning gardens, with a strong focus on including displaced and underprivileged children and youth.
As a platform, we bring together local Lebanese actors who either possess knowledge about sustainable gardening, or who benefit from the various outputs and activities from a learning garden. We support these partnerships via funding, outreach, and knowledge-sharing on educational aspects.
We believe that an organic learning garden with blooming vegetables and flowers can add meaningful perspectives to the lives of displaced and underprivileged children and youth residing in Lebanon. Not only do the gardens allow the participants to learn to learn about nature, biology, their food sources, and how to grow crops; learning gardens have also proven to have a therapeutic effect as well as the benefit of increasing confidence in the children and youth from their participation.
I en skolehave kan børn såvel som andre involverede f.eks. frivillige, projektledere og lærere få viden om, hvor deres mad kommer fra og om, hvordan de kan gro deres egne afgrøder gennem billige og bæredygtige metoder. I byer såvel som på landet spiller naturen en afgørende rolle i at skabe et sundt samfund samt at give individer og fællesskaber nye muligheder.
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